LounaLab service will close June 18th. As of today, products can no longer be purchased there.

All purchased appointments and test results are safe and are available here until the stated date, then transferred to the current SYNLAB service. For more details see the news or contact our representative.


P -Zn

Zinc (P-Zn) is a vitally important trace element. Most of our zinc is located inside the cells in muscles and bones. Zinc is needed in protein production, enzyme functions and as part of protein and amino acid functions. It is also needed in healing wounds.

Zinc is ingested in food. Sources of zinc include liver, eggs, nuts, vegetables, soy products, wholegrains and dairy products.

About 20–30% of the zinc in the intestines is absorbed in blood and bound to proteins, primarily albumin. Zinc is excreted from the system in stool, urine, sweat and other bodily secretions. Zinc can be found everywhere in the body and is not specifically stored in any particular type of tissue. Should the need for zinc strongly increase or its ingestion weaken, the person may start suffering from zinc deficiency.

The medicinal characteristics of zinc have been shown to shorten head colds, hoarseness, coughs and muscle pain if the treatment is started within 24 hours of the first symptoms.

When should zinc be measured?

Zinc should be measured when suspecting zinc deficiency as a result of malabsorption, for example.

What does a zinc test measure?

A zinc test can be used to examine whether the body’s zinc levels are excessive, insufficient or optimal.

Normally, the result is:

Reference values:

  • P-Zn: 9–18 µmol/l

The zinc levels in the blood are at their highest in the morning, decreasing during the day and after meals. That is why sampling is recommended in the morning after fasting.

Please contact your physician or other healthcare professional if you suspect an illness or need help interpreting the results.

The reference values of this examination have changed 11.10.2021. You will find your own result's reference values from My LOUNA in touch with the graph. Read more about defining reference values.

Excessive use of zinc preparations may increase zinc levels. However, the excess is usually excreted from the body.

High zinc levels disrupt the absorption of copper in the intestines.

Decreased zinc levels occur during pregnancy, infections and malnutrition. Zinc levels may also be low if the absorption is disrupted due to an intestinal disorder or surgery. Loss of zinc may also be increased by cirrhosis, for example.

Decreased albumin levels may also reduce zinc levels as zinc is transported by albumin.

SYNLAB test list: Zinc (2639 P -Zn, 2636 B -Zn) https://www.yml.fi/tuotekuvaus_show.php?tuotenro=333

Avain Apteekit: Sinkki vahvistaa kudoksia ja vastustuskykyä https://www.avainapteekit.fi/terveys/vitamiinit-ja-hivenaineet/sinkki-vahvistaa-kudoksia-ja-vastustuskykyae

Lab test online. Zinc. https://labtestsonline.org.uk/tests/zinc (cited 3 May 21)


Fasting is not required

This examination does not require fasting